If the manager behaves in such a way that the team feels misunderstood and ignored, a working atmosphere characterised byhostility, fear and mistrust is created; this is the panic trap. 


The manager prioritises the company's goals over the well-being of the employees. The panic trap is therefore the opposite of the cuddle trap. People no longer say what they think, but what the boss wants to hear. And they keep their ideas to themselves. Because they treat the company as they are treated by the company.


You will not reach your goal without your employees. And if together, then do it right: hand over as much responsibility and expertise as possible - not as much as necessary! Give your employees the freedom to shape  goals and solutions. 

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Heer, S. (2018). In Eric Lippmann, Handbuch Angewandte Psychologie für Führungskräfte: Führungskompetenz und Führungswissen. Springer.