Employees are motivated to take care of their tasks when managers are motivated to take care of their employees. This requires places of contact.


"I often have that feeling,
  • that the physical distance has also created a social distance to my employees.
  • that I can no longer feel the pulse of my team.
  • more insecure than before in my personal dealings with my team.
  • no longer be able to convey important messages sufficiently.
  • that my team has lost motivation due to the distance."

Did you answer yes to one or more of the questions? Then it's high time to change something. We show not only why, but also how.


Especially in the professional world, you often get the feeling that "only technical conversations are good conversations". Such discussions are focussed and efficient - this has a calming effect on everyone involved. #Comfort zone alert!

Good contact also goes into the learning zone: for the manager, this means asking questions in uncertain areas. For example: "How are you?". Good contact is contact that motivates employees and gives them trust and confidence. Let's be honest: how can you motivate an employee without knowing how he or she is doing? 

It's not about how comfortable or uncomfortable you feel during the conversation. It's about how effective the conversation is. Real contact is a balancing act:

Everything can: Ask honest questions and offer a framework for dialogue - nothing has to be done: Respect if the dialogue partner is not ready.


Places where everything can and nothing has to be are places of contact. The following recipe can be used to create such places in everyday working life.


  • Fixed series date, subject 1:1
  • Every 1-8 weeks, depending on the intensity of the collaboration
  • Duration 30-60 minutes
  • No agenda, no protocol. Therefore the rule: Both bring the points that are important to them.

Preparation steps - basic recipe:

- Open with "How are you?" (This question only works if you want to hear the honest answer)

- Then ask what issues the employee has

- Then introduce your own topics

- If necessary, record agreements and further steps

What to do if there is not enough to talk about?

- Procedure according to basic recipe

- For the rest of the time: "I'll take as much time as we need. If nothing more is needed at the moment, then we'll finish here"

(The attitude and tone of voice are therefore crucial here: it's perfectly okay to end a meeting early).


And if there are too many topics for one meeting? 

- Procedure according to basic recipe

- If you suspect at the beginning that there is not enough time, include the following intermediate step: List all the topics - Then jointly determine a sequence and possibly also time per topic. --> So it is clear at the start what has space.


If you realise during the conversation that there is not enough time - discuss> immediately: Extend, additional appointment or prioritise

"A manager doesn't really know how their employees are doing in the home office. The small image section in Zoom or Teams does not reveal the inner state. Every manager now has the chance to score points right here. By looking after the mental well-being of others." Stefan Dudas

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